Monday, March 7, 2011


I have been reading and trying to get my thoughts together for a post for several days now.  Distractions, the weekend, and two sick little girls got in my way, but better late than never, right? 

Before I share my thoughts on the first two chapters of Crazy Love, I thought I would share a little about me and my faith.  I have been a Christian for over two decades now.  I was raised in church, the same church where my grandmother and my mother grew up, and it's the church we still attend today.  We have changed a lot over the years, but we are still a relatively small hometown congregation.  I have come a long way from the Christian I was ten, twelve, or fourteen years ago, but sometimes it's glaringly obvious that I still have a long, long way to go on this journey to really know God.

Maybe it's partly because I don't have a lot experiences outside my home church that I am not altogether comfortable talking openly about my faith.  I think the word for how I sometimes feel when it comes to faith and living for God is inadequate.  Like maybe I don't know enough to be talking with any authority on the subject of God, or like my relationship with God can't compare to that of many others around me. 

It's on that very point that Francis Chan challenged me in the preface in this book...on page 22, when he says, "It is important that we not measure our spiritual health by the people around us, who are pretty much like us"... well, he's talking to me there.  Who am I to guess what another person's relationship to God might be like?  Why should it matter to me?  The only thing I should care about is strengthening my relationship with God and deepening my understanding of His Word.  Does it matter if I am not as eloquent at sharing my faith or my thoughts as another?  Or does God just want me to step out and take the opportunities He's giving me and to trust that He will give me the words I need?

I say all this to show you that I may be a little unsure of myself here, talking about faith in such a straightforward way.  But I'm here, and I'm ready to talk and to hear what YOU think about Crazy Love and anything else that may come up as we read and fellowship together.

So, now that all that is out of the do we feel about the first couple of chapters of Crazy Love

For me, that feeling of inadequacy I mentioned was reinforced in some ways, as I realize yet again that I am but a tiny, tiny part of God's awesome creation.  And yet...He LOVES me more than I can even begin to imagine or comprehend.  How great is that?

I have a lot more to say that I can't find words for just yet, and after a long night with my babies last night, my bed is calling loudly!  I really just wanted to get a post out here for discussion...feel free to share any thoughts in the comments, or just share a bit about yourself and your faith if you want.  Marcia and I are excited to hear from you!

1 comment:

Marcia (123 blog) said...

Deanna, I'm so glad you started. I opened a post and couldn't formulate a coherent thought either.

Good idea to share on the faith thing. I'll do the same.

And I've only done chapter 1 :)